
Every once in a while I get a request to do head shots or editorial type shoots and it’s always so much fun!! As I bring out my studio equipment and set up the backdrop, my heart begins to sing. My heart sings even more when I get to photograph my amazing family members. Only 6 months apart, Amy Lynn is my closest first cousin.  At a young age her family moved to Chicago, which was a good ways from Tennessee.  At the time, we thought an 8 hour difference was the death of us! We always loved one another and kept in touch the best we could, but we were little and life just kind of gets busy as it always does.  As we grew older and our grandmother passed away, we were reminded just how precious family is.  So when I moved to Chicago a little over a year ago, we reconnected over the phone and she invited me to her wedding.  On that day, I saw her for what felt like the first time in a long time, but also like it had been no time at all. Up until we locked eyes after the ceremony, we had not seen one another for over 10 years. We both threw our arms around one another and tears just flew like a waterfall.  Since that moment, we’ve kept in touch more and more. When she asked me to take photos of her, I was absolutely in heaven. I was so happy to have this time with my beautiful cousin, my sweet second cousin (her baby) Opal, and my aunt Denise. I will forever treasure those moments, the time we’ve been able to have together over the past year, and these photos. Amy, you are absolutely stunning and one of the best mothers I’ve ever seen. I am so proud of you and so thankful for you! I love you with all of my heart!



